s. Stateman's Higher Logic For Ferndel
d. Ferndel Fooling Star
Stateman's Higher Logic For Ferndel |
USCH Statesman's River To The Sea
CH Statesman's Nearco |
Slapestone Sea Breeze |
USCH Clumbrolds Listen To My Heart |
CH Clumbrolds Bartender |
CH Statesman's You Gotta Have Heart |
Ferndel Fooling Star |
Slapestones Mars At Priestbeck
CH Menstonia Marcel |
CH Hillrobin Galaxy At Slapestones |
GBCH Ferndel Folly |
CH Taimere's Tomfoolery |
CH Ferndel Short N'Sweet |
Sex: Bitch |
Eyes: |
Color: Red/white |
Born: 2022-04-14 |
Breeder: John Thirlwell, UK |
Hips: D |
Owner: Kristin Henrysson |