
Vinna BPIS SK Club Show-24

Vinna Best puppy in show at Swedish Springer Club's Club Show, 4 months old at her first dog show
Vinna BPIS Club Show-24
Vinna BPIS Club Show-24
(BPIS-2 Goldmoore's Rough Rider)
Vinna BOB/BIS-puppy Club Show-24
(BOS-puppy Belgarbo's Playing For Good)

Vinna BPIS-4 SKK Gimo sept-24

Vinna BIS-valp SK Open Show Högbo aug-24


Stickan BOS-puppy & Vinna BOB-puppy
SKK Int Växjö nov-24


Vinna BPIS SSRK Högbo sept-24



Vinna BIS-1 Junior Eskilstuna jan-25
Vinna in the main ring for BIS-junior My Dog jan-25
Vinna in the main ring for BIS-junior My Dog jan-25

Vinna BOS NKK Sandefjord feb-25
(BOB Winton Bottoms Up)

Vinna 3 months |

Vinna BIS-4 Junior GÄKK Febr-25 |